

Extra Form



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    • 甘露 : Amrta. Abrosia. Seeet dew.
    • 見性 : To discover one's Buddha nature. To directly realize one's own Buddhahood. Seeing Buddha-nature of Buddhahood.
    • 見性成佛 : To discover one's Buddha nature and thus realize Buddhahood.
    • 趺坐 : Lotus Posture. A seated posture in which both feet are placed on the opposite thigh.
    • 苦行 :  Ascetic practice.
    • : Emptiness. Sunya(skt.)
    • 過去七佛 : Seven Buddhas of the Past.
    • Vipasyn-비파시불, Sikhin-서기불, Visvabhu-비사부불, Krakuchanda-구류손불, kanakanumi-구나함모니불, kasyapa-가섭불, and Sakyamuni-석가모니불. The first three Buddhas appeared during the  장엄겁. The second four Buddhas appeared during the present kalpa.
    • .果報 : Karmic results.
    • 敎理 : Doctrine.
    • 極樂 : Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. Sunkhavati(s)
    • 극락왕생 : live eternally in the paradise.
    • 서방정토 : Western Pure land.
    • 깨달음 : Awakening. Enlightenment. lumination
    • 계율 : Precepts
    • 경책 : admonition
    • 부처님의 가피 : blessing from Buddha.
    • 금욕 : acesticism. renunciation.


    • 頓悟 : sudden awakening.
    • 頓悟頓修 : Sudden-enlightenment and sudden cultivation.
    • 頓悟漸修 : sudden-enlightenment and gradual
    • cultivation. A practice/enlightenment taxonomy advocated by TsungOmi and Chinul.
    • 頭陀行 : Ascetic practices that the Buddha allowed,


    • 無念 : Non-thought. Advocated in the Zen approach.
    • 無常 : Impermanent. Transitory
    • 無我 : Non-self. The Buddhist doctrine that there is no underlying
    • substance to the ego. This is one of the most fundamental doctrines of Buddhism. anatman(s)
    • 망상 : Delusions
    • 묵언 : Silence
    • 무정 : non-sentient beings
    • 유정 : sentient beings


    • 般若 : Profound wisdom. prajna(s)
    • 發心 : Activation of the bodhicitta. First of the ten abidings. The formal entrance onto the bodhisattva path.
    • 發願文 : A written statement of one's vow.
    • 放生 : Release of living beings. A ceremony in which captured fish or birds being sold for food in the market are bought and released into their natural habitat.
    • 百中 : The Buddhist All Souls' Day.
    • 百八煩惱 : The 108 defilements that man is subject to.
    • 煩惱 : lusions. Mental functions which disturb the mind.
    • : Dharma
    • 菩提樹 : The bodhi-tree. The tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment.
    • : Buddha. The Awakened One. The Enlightened One. Thus come one
    • 佛法僧: The Buddha. Dharma, and Sangha. The Three Jewels.
    • 佛性 : Buddhatta. Buddha Nature.
    • 本性 : Ones orignal nature
    • 방편 : Skill in means. (s) Upaya
    • 본사 : home temple/ monastery
    • 말사 : regional/branch temple or monastery
    • 불교교리 : Buddhist doctrine


    • 사경하다 : Sutra duplication
    • 성지순례 : Pilgrimage
    • 속세를 끊다 : renounce the world
    • 四恩 : The four benefactors. Those to whom one is beholden for one's progress.
    • The lists vary; teacher, parents, ruler, supporter,  mother, father, the Tathagata, the teacher who explains Dharma; parents, sentient, beings, ruler, the Three Treasures.
    • 舍利 : (s)Sarira. Relics. The cremated bones of the Buddha or a Buddhist adept
    • 봉안하다 : enschrine
    • 사바세계 : (s)Saha. This world. Also called the place for "endurance and patience" since living beings must endure all sorts of mental defilement, and the holy ones who work to save these beings must put up with weary toil.
    • 三拜 : Three prostrations. Performed by a lay-person when formally greeting a monk, by monks when greeting each other, or to the statue of the Buddha, etc. when one first enters the Shrine Hall of temple.
    • 삼법인 : Three marks of existence, impermanence, non-self, suffering
    • 三寶 : The Three Jewels. (Refuges, Treasures, Triple Gem)
    • When a person has studied Buddhism so that he or she feels confidence in it, that person takes refuge in the Three jewels; The Buddha, The Dharma, and The Sangha. This act makes a person officially a Buddhist.
    • 三寶寺刹 ; Monasteries of the Triple Gem, namely; T'ongdosa(reprenting the Buddha), Haeinsa(reprenting the Dharma), and Songgwangsa(reoenting the Sangha)
    • 삼세여래 : The three Tathagatas: Sakyamuni, Bhaisajyaguru, Amitabha.
    • 삼십이상 : The Thirty-two Marks.

    1)Level feet -족하암평립상 : 발바닥이 평평하여 서 있기에 편안하다.

    2)thousand-spoke wheel-sign on feet-족하이륜상: 발바닥에 두 개의 바퀴 모양의 무늬가 있다.

    3)long slender fingers- 정자성 : 손가락이 길다.

    4)pliant hands and feet - 족근광평상 : 발꿈치가 넓고 평평하다.

    5)toes and fingers finely webbed- 수족지만만상 : 손가락과 발가락 사이에 비단 같은 막이 있다.

    6)full-sized heels-

    7)arched insteps-

    8)thighs like a royal stag - 천여록왕상 : 장딴지가 사슴왕과 같다.

    9)hands reaching below the knees - 정립수마슬상 : 팡을 펴면 손이 무릎까지 내려간다.

    10)well-retracted male organ- 음장상 : 음경이 몸 안에 감추어져 있다.

    11)height amd stretch of arms equal - 신광장등상 : 신체의 가로 세로가 같다.

    12)every hair-root dark coloured - 모상향상 : 털이 위로 향해 있다.

    13)boddy hair graceful and curly - 일일공일모생상 : 털구멍마다 하나의 털이 있다.

    14)dolden-hued doby -금색상 : 몸이 금빛이다.

    15)a ten-foot halo around him - 장광상 : 몸에서 나오는 빛이 두루 비춘다.

    16)soft smooth skin-세박피상 : 피부가 부드럽고 얇다.

    17)both soles, both palms, both shoulders and crown well rounded--칠처륭만상: 두 발바닥과 두 손바닥, 두어깨와 정수리가 두텁고 풍만하다.

    18)below the armpits well-filled-양엑하륭만상 : 두 겨드랑이가 두텁고 풍만하다.

    19)lion-shaped body -상시니여사자상 : 상반신이 사자와 같다.

    20)stands erect-대직신상; 신체가 크고 곧다.

    21)full shoulders-견원만상 : 어깨가 원만하다.

    22)forty teeth-사십치상 : 치아가 마흔 개다.

    23)teeth white, even and close - 치제상 : 치아가 가지런하다.

    24)the four canine teeth pure white-아백상 : 어금니가 희다.

    25)lion-jawed- 사자협상 : 뺨이 사자와 같다.

    26)saliva improving the taste of all food - 미중득상미상 ; 맛 중에서 가장 좋은 맛을 느낀다.

    27)tongue long and broad-대설상 : 혀가 크다.

    28) voice deep and resonant -범성상 ; 음성이 맑다

    29)eye deep blue-진청안상 : 눈동자가 검푸르다

    30)eye lashes like a royal bull _ 우안첩상 : 속눈썹이 소와 같다.

    31)a white urna or curl between the eyebrows emitting light-백모상 ; 두 눈썹 사이에

    흰 털이 있다.

    32)an usnisa or fleshy protuberance on the crown - 정계상 ; 정수리가 상투 모양으로 돋아나 있다.


    • 삽십칠조도품 : The Thirty-seven factors of enlightenment.
    • : Form
    • : Zen Meditation, the characteristic feature of the zen school, a Buddhist school, originating in China, which focuses on meditation and direct experience. Dhyana, Ch'an.
    • 선사 : Zen Master.
    • 선문답: Encounter dialogue. Zen dialogue.
    • 禪宗 : Zen Schoold. A Buddhist sect which began in China and later spred to korea, , Japan and Vietnnam. In this sect, meditation and the  importance of direct experience of reality is stressed.
    • 선불교: Zen Buddhism
    • 善知識 : A good friend. 1. Some who introduces another person to the doctrines of the Buddha and thus helps that person to excape from the realm of suffering.
    • 2. Anyone, regardless of age, sex or social status, through which one gets a karmic affinity with Buddhism.
    • 설법 : Buddhist sermon
    • 成佛 : Realing Buddhahood. Becoming a Buddha
    •   '성불합시다‘ May we attain buddhahood'
    • 성문:(s)Sravaka. An immerdiate disciple of the Buddha; follower of the Hinyana path
    • 세존 : World Honored One. An epithet used especially for the historical Buddha, Sakyamuni.
    • 授戒 : ordination
    • 修行 : Cultivation
    • 신구의 : Deportment, words(speech), thoughts. All actions performed through body, speech or mind. Karma.
    • 十牛圖 : The Ten Ox-herding Pictures


    • 惡口 : To speak ill of others. One of the ten misdeeds.
    • 惡業 : (s)Akusala-karman. Bad deeds which produce a corresponding bad result.
    • 安居 /결제:(s) Varse. The Retreat season. The meditation season.

      하안거 : Summer retreat

      동안거 : winter retreat

    • 해제 : vacation. Free season. Wandering season.
    • 양력 : Western calendar
    • 음력 : Chinese/lunar calendar
    • : (s)Karma. Intentional deeds which produce a corresponding result.
    • 涅槃 :Nirvana. Nirvana is a Sanskrit word which is originally translated as "perfect stillness." It has many other meanings, such as liberation, eternal bliss, tranquil extinction, extinction of individual existence, unconditioned, no rebirth, calm joy, etc.
    • 연각: (s)prayekabuddha
    • 연등 :  Lotus lantern
    • 염화미소 ; “mahakasyapa smiled when he saw the Buddha hold up a flower." During one his dharma talks, the Buddha held up a flower. Everyone  was baffled except for Mahakasyapa who smiled. The Zen School considers this to be the initial transmission of the profound Dharma from the Buddha to future generations of seekers.
    • 오근: 1. The five senses. 2. Faith, energy, awareness, concentrations,
    • and wisdom = 오력
    • 오매일여 : Continuos awareness whether awake or asleep.

    五蘊: (s)Pancaskanda.  The five aggregates.  The fundamental constituents of a living being; 1)form-색 2)feeling-수 3)perception-상 4)volitional actions-행


    • 六道 ; The Six destinies  1)Hell-지옥도  2)hungry Ghost Realm-아귀도

    3)Animal Realm-축생도  4)Realm of Fighting Spirits-수라도  5)Human Realm-인간도


    • 六處 : Five sense organs and the mind.
    • 輪廻 : (s)samsara.  transmigration.  The endless round of rebirth. reincarnation.
    • 이뭤고(이것이 무엇인고 : shihshenma) "what is this?" 'who am I?'
    • (Phrase is said to come from a meeting between Huineng and Nan-yueh Huai-jang described in the Yuan Dynasty recension of the Platform Sutra.
    • In Korea, '이뭤고‘ is believed to be the basic question underlying all koans.
    • 因果 : Cause and effect
    • 因果應報 :  Karmic result.  Corresponding retribution for one's actions to the law of cause and effect.
    • 因緣 : Causes and conditions
    • 六處 :Five sense organ and the mind


    • 慈悲 : Compassion
    • 自性 : Self-nature.  The fundamental essence phenomenon.
    • 自恣 :(s)Pravarana.  Confession and repentance of misdeeds.  A ceremony held during the last day of the summer retreat
    • 傳法: Formal, public conderal of a master's teaching to someone who has already received inka.  Official recognition of the student's ability to teach others.
    • 전생 : Previous life. a former life
    • 내생 : The future life. the life to come. next life
    • 재생 : revival. rebirth a return to life.
    • 종교 : a religion, a faith./ a religious man(종교인)
    • 祖師禪 : Zen of the Patriarchs
    • 宗派 : A sect. Sectarian
    • 종단 : Order
    • 坐禪 : Sitting meditation
    • 죽림정사 : The first Buddhist temple
    • 중도 : The middle path
    • 중생 : (s)Sattva. Sentient beings


    • 청신녀 : A female Buddhist
    • 出家 : Going forth from one's home into the homeless life. Becoming a monastic
    • 창설자 : founding man
    • 창건하다 : praising Buddha


    • 八相 : Depiction of the eight main events of the Buddha's life
    • eight paintings of Sakyamuni's Life-often placed somewhere in the back of the Main Hall.

    1) 도솔내의상: The Buddha descending in a white elephant from the Tusita Heaven

    2) Buddha entering maya's womb-룸비니 동산에서 탄생하는 모습

    3) 사문유관상: Birth

    4) Renunciation-성을 넘어 출가하는 모습

    5) 설산수도상: Surrender of the Demons

    6) 항마촉진상: Enlightenment

    7) 초전법륜상: Turning the wheel of the law

    8) Entering paranirvana-사라쌍수 아래에서 열반에 드는 모습

    • 포살 : (s)Uposadha, posadha, upavasatha, upavasa, Confession and repentance ceremony held during the full moon and the new moon.
    • 포교하다 : propagate. spread Dharma.


    • : 1. Action. Praxis  2.(s)Pratipatti. Buddhist cultivation. Bodhisattva action.
    • 행주좌와 : Walking, stading, lying or sitting down
    • 話頭 : A koan's 'critical phrase/, the 'punch-line' of a koan(According to the folk etymology, the term literally means the 'head of speech', This is wrong. '' is merely a grammatical partical) kind of riddles and paradoxical sayings by zen masters.
    • 回向 : Transference of merit
    • 和尙 : (s)Upadhyaya. A buddhist monk
    • 환생 :  reincarnation. rebirth, revival. be born again, come back to life. cycle of rebirth
    • 호국불교 : Buddhism for national protection
    • 해탈 : emancipation
    • 화장/다비 : cremation